On Tuseday, my group conducted a propasal in front of our teachers that included all of our ideas as a group (individual classes) and included pricing and costs for the activities.
The proposal did last quite long, I think it lasted for half an hour which is really long and that was one the criticisms we received. I think the reason for why it was so long is because we're split into classrooms and each class has students with different levels of abilities and it's a lot of information to come back and discuss with everyone else.
Me and Maisie both made our own slides for Class 9 as our class works differently to the others. The information on our slides included possible activities that we were thinking of carrying out, the materials and general information about our class and risk assessments. The overall feedback for our proposal was generally good feedback. They commented that they were impressed that we provided a handout (physical copy) for them to look through and how we spoke really clearly and the presentation was presented well.
Although the feedback was generally positive, we did receive some feedback on things we had to work on for the future professional proposal. We got given the feedback that we should've broken down our presentation more as we included a huge amount of information as each class works at different abilities. We noted this and in the future, we'll definitely take this into consideration. We also got given the feedback that we should've made the presentation more visually pleasing as the powerpoint was quite standard and we didn't include images as we aren't allowed to photograph the children for various reasons.
Other than that, majority of the proposal went really well and all in all, we received more positive feedback than negative which was nice. Down below are the screenshots of me and Maisie's class proposal and the closing statement in which I wrote to conclude the presentation.

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