Today me and Maisie looked at ideas that we had come up with on the 17/06/2016 and added descriptions to them to help break down the ideas clearer so that when we propose them, our ideas will be clear.
We started off by brainstorming ideas and we came up with a mind map full of ideas.

Our ideas were:
- Drawing their favourite things - have them make marks on a piece of paper about how their favourite things make them feel - then we can draw over their marks a simple line drawing of what the thing actually was.
- Modelling - pressing things into clay and painting or creating sculpture like favourite animals etc.
- Crayon Resist - draw in white crayons and then paint over.
- Throwing Paint - throw paint at a large plain paper then we draw into the shapes made to make it into something else.
- Rubbings - newsprint and crayons on textures.
- Drawing with the body - feet in paint and using body to create marks.
- Big Stencils - all get together and fill in the stencil with everything they can - paint, pom poms, tissue paper, collage, crayons etc.
- Collage - pre-cut images, then they stick them down however they please to create an image.
- Dot-to-dot - making dot-to-dots more interesting.
The next step is to propose these ideas to Carmen, the art director at Redgate School.
Preparation for the Real Proposal
Even though we had the prep proposal in front of our teachers for extra help, we also looked at Art Councils and how to conduct and what's included in an art proposal. Our tutors showed us personal proposals that they have done which helped out a lot. Here is the information I gathered:
Arts Council England - organisations that are funded by the government:
- Welcome Trust
- Jerwood Charitable
- Princes Trust
- Lottery Trust
- The Elephant Trust
- Leverhulme Trust
- ArtsQuest
- Welcome Europe
- Local Councils
- Art Wales
- Paul Hamlin Foundation
- The Tate
- Art and Humanities Research Councils
What is included in an Art Proposal:
- Previous Experience
- What your plan is (the logistics)
- The impact and what will it be?
- Audience, who you'll work with
- Be professional
- Insurance for Arts Practise
- Costs
- What problems may occur (Risk Assessment)
- Title of proposed project and define
- Time Scales
- Materials
- Roles, Team Members
- Past Examples of Work
- Closing Statements
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