Today we got given more information about the children we'll be working with and their levels. Pictured below are me and Maisie's class which is class 9. Our class' levels vary from P3(ii) to P5.
One student is working at P3(ii) which means the begin to communicate intentionally and tend to seek attention through using eye contact, gestures or actions. They also participate in shared activities with less support needed. They can only hold concentration levels for a short period of time.
Two of our students are working at P4 which means they show some awareness of cause in a creative process. They tend to repeat an activity to have a similar effect and they show a lot of interest when using a range of tools and materials and taking part in familiar activities with some support. Majority of our class, with around 5 students are working at P5, which means that they handle or use tools and materials purposefully. They also able to choose materials and tools which are appropriate for the activity, for example, picking brushes or rolling pins for a painting activity.
On the other pages were past activities that they've tried out with the pupils. A lot of the activities are sensory and active which gives a great indication of what type of things the students like to participate in. I also noticed when looking through the documents that they usually produce quite large scale works, so I assume that every child takes part and is free hence the use of huge sheets of paper etc. That seems fun though, I did have some ideas revolving around the idea of producing large scale work. On the documents, I highlighted and annotated slightly information which I thought would be important such as their P levels and the activities they've done in the past and key words I thought would be of use.
The next stage is to arrange another visit for the school. Next Tuesday, we're going to come together as a group again and discuss ideas for sessions and hopefully trial out some ideas next Friday.

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