Saturday, 11 June 2016

Finding a Placement | Group E


Finding A Placement

Today, we got given our community brief and were put in our groups. There are 5 groups within our art strand and each group has been allocated a placement to carry out the project. The organisations taking part are The Selhurst Children Centre, The Crescent Primary School in Selhurst, Age Concern in Thornton Heath, St Christopher's Hospice and The Valance - Seven Oaks.

The group I was put in was originally meant to work with The Valance, Seven Oaks School which works with disabled children/people. Unfortunately, the school was no longer able to work with us. So today, me and my group spent the time looking for other organisations and schools that we could potentially work with for the community project. We created a google plus page where all of us can share information on what we have found, regarding organisations and for further use such as sharing pictures etc. 

My group is: Me, Florrie, Liberty, Dwayne, Josh, Maisie, Ellie, Mia, Alyssa and Anna and Claire is the teacher supervising us.

The photos above give more of an insight on how we share information and the organisations we found. Liberty then emailed a bunch of these organisations. A couple got back to us saying unfortunately they can't take us on and some places we are still waiting for a reply. Luckily, a school called Redgate which provide education for pupils with severe earning difficulties, profound and multiple learning difficulties and autism from ages 4-11, seemed really interested in working with us and the deputy head teacher we contacted replied to emails fast and even brought up the offer to meet up and discuss further. We exchanged contact with her too. So at the moment, my group is at the point where we are waiting for a definite answer whether we can work with the school or not. 

We haven't yet assigned group roles as not everyone in my group was in today. Many of them had university open days so didn't attend school for that reason. On Friday, majority of my group will be in and we will assign group roles and hopefully by Friday we'll have a definite answer.

Room 13

I also looked at organisations such as Room 13 for individual research as the work closely with children to help enforce art even more:

I feel like looking at Room 13 helped a lot as they offer workshops where young people and artists can engage with different sectors of society. They also run art studios in schools and community settings worldwide. I just thought looking at this before the project starts will help give an insight for what's to come.

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